
I'm Robi


About me

Co-Founder, Entrepreneur, Software Engineer, Consultant, Trainer

I am passionate about technology and building products that solve real world problems.

I love to teach people how to code and get them started on their coding journey. I've held many workshops and guided students into the world of programming.

My passions include building products, learning new things, sharing my knowledge, and helping others.

See History

What I do

web development

Web Development

Developing websites and web applications using the latest technologies,

Lately I've been working with React, Remix, Next.js, TailwindCSS, TypeScript, and GraphQL.

mobile development

Mobile Development

Creating and maintaining mobile applications using React Native.

Also taking care of the whole CI/CD and deployment process.

software architecture

Software Architecture

Designing and implementing software architectures for scalable web and mobile applications.

Worked with microservices, serverless, docker, and kubernetes.